Eleven Questions

This has come from Caitlin‘s blog, and I encourage you to answer question 11.

1. In baseball each player gets a “walk up song” that plays on his way up to the plate. What song would you pick?

 Aaargh! So many songs but this one always brings a smile to my face and gets me wiggling :

2. What’s the best thing that happened to you last weekend?

 Well, last weekend I turned 27 and had a lovely afternoon tea with my parents. I promise to post pictures soon.

3. If you could have a starring role in any film already made, which movie would you pick?

I would be Jane Russell’s character in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Dorothy Shaw. The outfits, the songs, the elegance, and well this number may just say it all :

4. What actor/actress would you have play you in a movie of your life?

I’ve got to go with a British actress, and although she’s only come to light in the past couple of years, I think Joanna Vanderham is who I’d want. We’re not much alike looks wise, but I like her attitude in her shows.


5. What is your favorite quote?

 “There’s no point in living if you can’t feel alive” Garbage, The World Is Not Enough

6. What was your first concert?

My parents arranged for me to see Take That as a surprise one evening, and it was the infamous tour with Howard Donald’s bum!

7. What Internet website do you visit the most?


8. Which of Snow White’s 7 dwarfs describes you the best and why?

 Doc, because I wear glasses and according to the Wikipedia entry he mixes up his words a lot, which I seem to be doing at the moment!?

9. If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?

A cheese and beans toastie, followed by a bowl of good quality vanilla ice cream all washed down with San Pellegrino Limonata

10. What is the background of your computer?

As I’m on Windows 8, I have a slideshow of images from France to inspire me for both my studies and our upcoming Road Trip.

And the eleventh question is… to you!  Answer one of the ten above!

Resolutions for 2013

I decided this year not to make any resolutions as a lot of what I want to do with my life, aims and such I put into my 101 in 1001 list.

There are a few things I will/aiming to accomplish this year though from the list :

3 – Go on a road trip

We will be going to France this summer camping, and going on our first road trip!

9 – Finish decorating the bedroom

We are nearly there now, and I want to try and get it sorted before my degree gets underway, if not, it will be November before it gets done!

11 – Have Christmas all organised and ready to go in advance

This is going to be especially important as my exams will be in October – my normal Christmas prep period – and I would like to not have to be stressing about Christmas the same time as I try to remember basic rules of french grammar!

21 – Create a menu plan according to French Women Don’t Get Fat and 27 – Shop seasonally for at least four months

Already started this as part of a healthy start to the year

35 – Restart my degree

35 - Restart my degree

35 – Restart my degree

Countdown to 2nd February!

37 – Learn how to park in the Honda

The Honda is poorly at the moment, so this may not be needed, but if it recovers I need to get on top of this before I have to travel for a tutorial. Not being able to reverse park in the leviathan is embarrassing!

45 – Organise paperwork
I will be finishing this task this weekend in order to prepare my desk space for OU study.
54 – Cross a glacier on foot
I had forgotten about this until just now, but I may be able to do this when we go camping …
59 – Go to a comedy club
We will definitely be doing this as we were given a voucher for dinner and a comedy night at Jongleurs by my brother and sister in law.
69 – Tidy up my eyebrows
This will be a birthday treat as I swear they are trying to take over my face!
70 – Grow my hair out
It’s now just below my shoulders, and I’ve got another 8 inches to go.
Wow, 12 items and I still have more which will be done at some point this year. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t do resolutions?
Whilst I chew on all this, I’ll leave you with the promise for my first Bake of the Month post coming up this weekend – Baizelnut Muffins.

Gifts from Switzerland

Posted On 22/11/2012

Filed under Life, Loves, Random Musings

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Little pressies from Mr H’s recent trip to Switzerland. Not sure if I’m more grateful he’s home or that he’s home with lindt goodies!

Daily Prompt – Revisionist History

As things are still quiet on the Western front, I’m using another prompt post

Go back in time to an event you think could have played out differently for you. Let alternate history have its moment: tell us what could, would or should have happened?

I try not to have any regrets, as everything plays out the way it should and shapes us. We may not like it, but we learn from the negatives and embrace the positives.

Now I’ll stop being philosophical 😉

The one event which could have completely changed my world was when I was very little. At the time we were living in Bromley and my dad had just been made redundant.

He had three choices of new job; one in Bolton, one in Dubai and one in New York.

In this reality, he chose the job in Bolton and that is where I grew up.

Bolton Town Hall and the infamous Town Hall Steps

It’s hard to imagine which he would have chosen had Bolton not been an option.

(I have a feeling Dubai would have been off the table due to my sand phobia)

If I’d grown up in New York, I would have been in the culture I read so much about as a child. I could have attended a Summer Camp. And, more sobering, I would more than likely be in New York during 9/11.

On a random note, I wonder what my accent would be like if I’d grown up in New York? Currently, my accent is an amalgamation of all the areas I’ve lived. I don’t sound like a Southerner, Londoner, Northerner or Black Country, but I do have twangs of them all depending on what I’m saying.

I don’t claim to know all the regional accents of New York, but would that have meshed with the English accent? That would have been fun to hear/see?

One of my uni courses is Creative Writing, so it would be good to explore this topic if I get the chance and imagine the life I could have had.

Daily Prompt – Be The Change

Posted On 12/11/2012

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I’ve started receiving the Daily Prompt in my reader, and so today, as I can’t think of anythign productive to write I thought I would utilise the prompt :

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?

I hold no illusions about my blog, I know I am a small fish in an ocean.

At this stage in my blog life I think I fall under the Lifestyle category, but that may evolve with time, and as my voice develops.

However, I would hope that a post I publish helps someone in some small way. Whether it be a story about my personal experiences which I have shared or a tutorial for a baking project.

Blogs I have read over the past few years have helped me in many ways, and I would like them to know how much I value their impact on my life :

The Handcrafted Life – Although this may be misguided on my part, Morgan shows how DIY is not beyond anyone’s reach!

That Wife – Jenna inspired me to return to University and finish off my degree.

…Love Maegan – Although I am only at the beginning of my journey, Maegan has shown me that although it sucks, it’s okay to still be mad and upset.

Megan Nielsen – I have not tried to make myself a dress yet, but Megan makes it seems so easy I can’t wait to try!

Ramshackle Glam – I love Jordan’s video entries and maybe in the future my actual voice will make it onto this blog.

Va-Voom Vintage – It’s okay to not be slim, and still be beautiful. I am still struggling with this, but Brittany’s fabulous vintage wardrobe is winning me over!

Thank you ladies, and I hope to pay it forward x

I Surrender!

Posted On 09/10/2012

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Okay, okay autumn I give in!

The heating has now gone on, the jumpers have come out of storage and I have been debuting my new winter coat and handbag.

But, now, I need to get the gloves, hat and pashmina out, ready for tomorrow morning.

Oh the pretty leaves, think I’ll wander down New Walk tomorrow

The man I would leave Mr H for

Mr “Exceedingly Good” Kipling

Although we don’t really celebrate Halloween in our house – I couldn’t resist buying these Franken-fancies.

Needless to say, there aren’t any left …


It seems like I’m doing a lot of waiting at the moment, and patience is a virtue I don’t appear to have.

Old picture, but still waiting

Our conservatory roof which was supposed to have been fixed on the 17th has been postponed indefinitely, so everytime it rains we have to mop up the indoor paddling pool.

Although I was told it could take this long, I am still waiting to hear about my Credit Transfer with the Open University. I want to know now *pouts*

I had intended to do a Great British Bake Off Challenge, but this flipping cold all but wiped me out this weekend, so that’s on hold for the moment.

Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood – Great British Bake Off

And so on and so forth. can anyone give me any tips for improving my patience?

Trials and Jubilations

With the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee coming up, and the Olympics, it appears Britain has gone Britain mad!

Everywhere you look shop displays are in red, white and blue. Products have been repackaged for the occasion and there’s bunting wherever anything has stopped for long enough to be draped!

The Saltburn Yarn Bomber stikes again, this time with the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee as the subject

According to the Daily Mail, £823m (!) has been spent already on decorations, food and drink for the various street parties taking place up and down the country.

I think it’s great that as a nation, we can still find something we can all get behind.

We’ll be going to a Jubilee Fair this weekend on the park near us and it’ll be great to see the community coming out and (hopefully) enjoying the sunshine for the various activities on offer. Guests have been encouraged to join in the spirit and bring a picnic, dress in Union Jack colours and take part in the Space Hopper race!

I can’t help feeling though that come the time of the Olympics, we’re going to be a tad sick of all the Union Jacks draped everywhere, but I could be wrong.

My contribution to the red, white and blue colour scheme for this fair will be my nails and not my father’s suggestion of dying my eyebrows (?!?!)

Are you doing anything for Jubilee weekend? Are you loving the patriotism wherever you go?